Legal Notice
You are currently connected to the website edited by Defants.
The user declares to have taken knowledge of the information below before visiting the site. By choosing to access the site, the user expressly and irrevocably accepts the following the following terms.

The company declines all responsibility for the content of the sites proposed in links. Whatever the type of link established from an external Internet site, known as “linking site”, towards that of, reserves the right to oppose its establishment.
Corporate name: DEFANTS, SAS with a capital of 42.005€. registered at the RCS Rennes under the number 902398361.
Head office : 1137A avenue des Champs Blancs, 35510 Cesson-Sévigné
VAT identification : FR76902398361.
The site gives credit to:
• Website development: L’agence LunaWeb, UX design.
• Photos : © Stéphanie Pierre.
• Hosting : OVH, 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, videos, animated sequences with or without sound, as well as all works integrated into the in the site are the property of Defants or of third parties who have authorized to use them. The logos, icons and graphic chips represented on the site are protected by copyright and articles L.511.1 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property Intellectual Property Code relating to the protection of registered designs. The reproductions, on a paper or computer support, of the aforementioned site and works reproduced therein are authorized subject to the following conditions that they are strictly reserved for personal use excluding any use for any use for advertising and/or commercial purposes, and/or and/or information purposes and/or that they comply with the provisions of article L.122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code.
With the exception of the above provisions, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any be and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site, of all or of all or part of the site, of all or part of the various works that make it up, without having obtained the prior authorization of Defants is strictly forbidden and constitutes an infringement of copyright and may result in civil and may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution and the payment of payment of damages.